Author: Spencer Rossi

Understanding the Difference Between Clear Aligners and Ceramic Braces

Introduction When it comes to orthodontic treatment, there are various options available to help straighten your teeth and improve your smile. Two popular choices are clear aligners and ceramic braces. While both aim to achieve the same result, there are significant differences between the two. In this article, we will explore the dissimilarities between clear

Overbite, Underbite, and Crossbite: How Braces Can Help

Introduction Having a properly aligned bite is essential for both oral health and aesthetics. However, many individuals suffer from bite irregularities such as overbite, underbite, or crossbite. These conditions can cause various issues, including difficulty in chewing, speech problems, and even self-esteem concerns. Fortunately, braces offer an effective solution to correct these bite problems and

Pediatric Orthodontics: Is My Child a Candidate for Early Braces?

Introduction Orthodontic treatment is not just for teenagers and adults. In fact, early intervention can be crucial in correcting dental issues in children. Pediatric orthodontics focuses on diagnosing and treating dental problems in children as young as seven years old. One common question parents have is whether their child is a candidate for early braces.